Tuesday, July 3, 2007

  • VURUNSEMU, in hettskoj mythologies htonicheskoe the godhood, the marital partner of the god of a thunder-storm.
  • VUSTEJNE (Woestijne) the Karelian van de (1878-1929), the Belgian writer. Wrote in the Netherlands tongue. It is close to symbolists. In the basis{fundamentals} of many scenes - arcaded legends and natural life of the poet. The poetic trilogy " the Person is built from clay " (1920), " the God on the pest " (1926) and " Mountain lake " (1928).
  • WORCESTER (Worcester), city on north-east the USA, pieces. Massachusetts. 169,8 thousand inhabitants (1990), with suburbs over 400 thousand inhabitants. Metal working and a machine industry, a glass industry. 2 universities. Publishing.
  • VUTTIG (Wuttig) Iogann Fridrih Christians (1783-1850), the Russian chemist - technologist and the pharmacist, corresponding member Petersburg AN (1810). By origin the German. Has constructed in 1805 first factory in Russia on manufacture of sulfuric acid (of sulfur in selfcontained lead chambers). In 1811 has placed{installed} the fact of metamorphosis{transformation} of starch in sweeteners under action of inorganic acids. In 1812 has returned to Germany.
  • VUCHETICH Eugeny Viktorovich (1908-74), the Russian sculptor, the national artist of the USSR (1959), the full member AH the USSR (1953), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1967). In geroiko-symbolical (monument - band to soldiers of the Soviet Army in Treptov-park in Berlin, 1946-49), sometimes hypertrophied - monumental (monument - band on Mamayev a tumulus in Volgograd, 1963-67, the Lenin premium, 1970, - with co-authors) modes{images} aspired{tried} to reflect exploit of Soviet people in Great Domestic war, extirpation for the world (" we Shall reforge swords on shouted ", 1957). Portraits ("I.D.Chernjahovsky", 1945). The state premium of the USSR (1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950).
  • VUE (Vouet) Simon (1590-1649), the French painter. It is more 10 flying has conducted in Italy; having returned home, has headed court school. In creativity Vue, bridged color oof of venetians, classical composition Pussena, decorative effect and dynamism of baroque painting, the French version klassitsizirovannogo Baroque was formed.
  • VHUTEIN, the Maximum artistic - technical institute, in 1922-30 educational institutions in Leningrad (it is based in 1922 on the basis AH) and Moscow (is based in 1926 on the basis Vhutemasa).
  • VHUTEMAS, the Maximum artistic - technical workshops, the Moscow educational institution, it is based in 1920. Had art and industrial faculties; prepared basically artists - stankovistov and architects, has created a fundamentals of preparation of artists - designers. In 1926 Vhutemas it is transformed{reformed} in Vhutein.
  • VTS, see. Computer center.
  • VTSIK, see the All-Russia Central Executive committee.
  • " YESTERDAY AND TODAY ", the Russian literary collection constituted by V.A.Sollogubom; left in Petersburg in 1845-46 (kn. 1-2). V.F.Odoevsky, A.K.Tolstogo, I.S.Turgeneva, N.M.Jazykova, M.J.Lermontov products{creations} were typed, etc.
  • VCHK, see the All-Russia Extraordinary Commission.
  • VSHI, order blood-sucking vtorichnobeskrylyh hexapods. Ok. 300 kinds{views}. Parasites of the person and mammals. On the person parasitize head vosh, length up to 4 mm, platjanaja vosh, length up to 4,7 mm, and also a crab louse, or pubic vosh, length up to 1,5 mm. Can minister carriers of contagions (a sapropyra, a typhinia, etc.). Vshi animal per capita do not pass.
  • VSHCHIZH, old russian city of 11-13 centuries, on r. Desna, for the modern seconds. ZHukovskoe (the Russian Federation, Bryansk region). Residues of defensive and inhabited constructions, numerous subjects of a household activities.
  • The VYBORG PARTY, historical area of Saint Petersburg, in a north-east part of city, on the right to coast of Neva. The title on a road to Vyborg. Many large factories, the Finnish passenger depot.
  • SELECTIVE SUPERVISION{OBSERVATION}, statistical study of a part of the set{combination} (sampling) organized so that was ensured its{her} correspondence to properties of set{combination} general. A selective way receive a part of cramps at population censuses.
  • ELECTORS, in some states the faces directly voting at indirect samplings for the candidate for the position of the president (napr., in the USA), in deputies of parliament, etc.
  • WEATHERING, process of destruction and chemical change of rocks in conditions of a surface or near to it{her} under influence of temperature variations, chemical and mechanic atmospheric exposure, water and organisms. Distinguish physical (mechanic), chemical and organic (under influence of vital activity of organisms) a weathering.
  • GAGARIN (up to 1974 settlements. Erzhar), city in Uzbekistan, Dzhizak region. Depot (Irdzharskaja). 18,8 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factories: hlopkoochistitelnyj, concrete products. It is called named J.A.Gagarina.
  • GAGARIN Ivan Sergeevich (1814-82), prince, the Russian diplomat. In 1843 has kept Russia, has lodged in Paris, has transfered in a catholicism and has entered order of jesuits. Has based in Paris the Slavonic library (nowadays - in Medone).
  • GAGARIN Paul Pavlovich (1789-1872), prince, the Russian statesman. The participant of preparation of country reform 1861, settled interests of landlords. In 1864-72 chairman of the cabinet council, in 1864-65 simultaneously the chairman of the Council of state.
  • GAGARIN Jury Alekseevich (1934-68), the Russian astronaut, a pilot - astronaut of the USSR (1961), the colonel, the Hero of Soviet Union (1961.) on April, 12 1961 for the first time in a history of mankind has committed flight in cosmos on spacecraft " Orient ". Participat in education{learning} and training of crews of astronauts. Has perished during practice flight on an airplane. A name of Gagarin educational institutions have, streets and the areas of many cities of the world, etc. The Name of Gagarin calls a crater on a underside of moon.
  • GAGARINSKAJA PARKING, epoch of a serotinal{late} paleolith, for a seconds. Gagarino (the Russian Federation, Lipetsk region). Residues of home units, stone and bone instruments, bone figures of women.
  • GAGARINSKY Jury Vladimirovich (1915-76), the chemist - neorganik, corresponding member AN the USSR (1970). Probeed crystalline structure of inorganic compounds and thermodynamic properties of connections of uranium.
  • GAGATE (from grech. gagates - a black amber), a viscous version of mineral coal. Hardness 3-3,5; firmness of 1,3-1,4 g / sm3. Meets by the way clumps in layers of coal. It is well glazed{polished}. An ornamental stone.
  • GAGAUZSKY TONGUE, falls into to Turkic tongues (oguzskaja group). Writing on the basis of the Russian alphabet.
  • GAGAUZY, people in Moldova (153 thousand person) and on Ukraine (32 thousand person, 1992); live also in the Russian Federation (ok. 10 thousand person), Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Turkey. An aggregate number of 220 thousand person (1992). Tongue gagauzsky. Believers - orthodox.
  • EIDERS, a stem of birds of a set utinyh. 4 kinds{views}. Length of a dace eider ok. 63 see. In a north of Eurasia and America, on a shore and islands. The down is thought much. Habitats - on Barentsovom, White and Baltic m., are guarded in special reservations; the hunt is forbidden.
  • GAGY Nikopolsky (Armenian) (mind{wit}. ok. 319), one of a magpie of five Christian martyrs damaged in Nikopol Armenian in the persecution of emperor Litsinija. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 10 (23).
  • GAGIK I (? - 1020), tsar Anijskogo of a kingdom (990-1020). Has aggregated the Armenian ground. Pursued{adopted} a policy a centralization of country; at a nem capital Ani - large trading? The craft and cultural centre.
  • GAGRA, city (with 1933) in Georgia, Abkhazia, a port on Black m. A depot. 26,9 thousand inhabitants (1991). A bayshore climatic and balneal health resort. A food-processing industry.
  • GADAMER (Gadamer) Hans George (r. 1900), the german philosopher, one of main representatives of philosophy of hermeneutics of midpoint of 20 century (" True and a method ", 1960). Transactionses on a history of philosophy, an aesthetics and philosophy of a history.
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